Grey Topshell - Gibbula cineraria
Widespread and common on the lower shore and sub-tidally on kelp, the Grey Topshell, Gibbula cineraria, is bluntly conical and up to 15mm high. Its normal colour is made up of close grey and red stripes which produce a grey effect but frequently, as in the picture, their shells get colonised by encrusting organisms such as this red algae. Here they are browsing on a kelp frond covered in sea-mat.
St. Abbs Marine Reserve, North Sea

Grey Topshell - Gibbula cineraria
Widespread and common on the lower shore and sub-tidally on kelp, the Grey Topshell, Gibbula cineraria, is bluntly conical and up to 15mm high. Its normal colour is made up of close grey and red stripes which produce a grey effect but frequently, as in the picture, their shells get colonised by encrusting organisms such as this red algae. Here they are browsing on a kelp frond covered in sea-mat.
St. Abbs Marine Reserve, North Sea

Grey Topshell - Gibbula cineraria
Widespread and common on the lower shore and sub-tidally on kelp, the Grey Topshell, Gibbula cineraria, is bluntly conical and up to 15mm high. Its normal colour is made up of close grey and red stripes which produce a grey effect but frequently, as in the picture, their shells get colonised by encrusting organisms such as this red algae. Here they are browsing on a kelp frond covered in sea-mat.
St. Abbs Marine Reserve, North Sea