Turbot - Psetta maxima
The Turbot, Psetta maxima, is a large, heavily built flatfish growing to about 25kg and one metre in length. More common in the south, it is only occasionally seen in northern waters. The colour varies significantly and depends on the colour of the sea-bed. It is an active predator on other bottom dwelling fish. The population is under serious pressure from fishing activities where it commands a premium price because of its firm, succulent flesh.
North Sea. St. Abbs Marine Reserve

Turbot - Psetta maxima
The Turbot, Psetta maxima, is a large, heavily built flatfish growing to about 25kg and one metre in length. More common in the south, it is only occasionally seen in northern waters. The colour varies significantly and depends on the colour of the sea-bed. It is an active predator on other bottom dwelling fish. The population is under serious pressure from fishing activities where it commands a premium price because of its firm, succulent flesh.
North Sea. St. Abbs Marine Reserve

Turbot - Psetta maxima
The Turbot, Psetta maxima, is a large, heavily built flatfish growing to about 25kg and one metre in length. More common in the south, it is only occasionally seen in northern waters. The colour varies significantly and depends on the colour of the sea-bed. It is an active predator on other bottom dwelling fish. The population is under serious pressure from fishing activities where it commands a premium price because of its firm, succulent flesh.
North Sea. St. Abbs Marine Reserve