Plaice - Pleuronectes platessa
The plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, is common all around the UK and live mostly in areas of sand. They are easily recognized by their orange or red spots although these are sometimes faded out as the plaice changes its colour to match the surroundings. This is a prime food fish and the target of much trawling activity. As they are very slow growing and long-lived fish (up to 30 years), only few fish reach breeding maturity and the average size has declined markedly. It is now very rare to see a large fish of this species.
North Sea - St. Abbs Marine Reserve

Plaice - Pleuronectes platessa
The plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, is common all around the UK and live mostly in areas of sand. They are easily recognized by their orange or red spots although these are sometimes faded out as the plaice changes its colour to match the surroundings. This is a prime food fish and the target of much trawling activity. As they are very slow growing and long-lived fish (up to 30 years), only few fish reach breeding maturity and the average size has declined markedly. It is now very rare to see a large fish of this species.
North Sea - St. Abbs Marine Reserve

Plaice - Pleuronectes platessa
The plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, is common all around the UK and live mostly in areas of sand. They are easily recognized by their orange or red spots although these are sometimes faded out as the plaice changes its colour to match the surroundings. This is a prime food fish and the target of much trawling activity. As they are very slow growing and long-lived fish (up to 30 years), only few fish reach breeding maturity and the average size has declined markedly. It is now very rare to see a large fish of this species.
North Sea - St. Abbs Marine Reserve