A wall of Kelp off Skye
The relatively clear water off the islands of Western Scotland allows light to penetrate quite a long way. This suits the seaweeds and great banks of kelp plunge down to depths of twenty metres and beyond. As we dropped down here a large Lion's Mane Jellyfish, Cyanea capillata, was drifting passed in the strong current. All its stinging tentacles spread out like a huge net to catch all types of plankton, including other jellyfish, on which it feeds.
Isle of Skye, Western Scotland

A wall of Kelp off Skye
The relatively clear water off the islands of Western Scotland allows light to penetrate quite a long way. This suits the seaweeds and great banks of kelp plunge down to depths of twenty metres and beyond. As we dropped down here a large Lion's Mane Jellyfish, Cyanea capillata, was drifting passed in the strong current. All its stinging tentacles spread out like a huge net to catch all types of plankton, including other jellyfish, on which it feeds.
Isle of Skye, Western Scotland

A wall of Kelp off Skye
The relatively clear water off the islands of Western Scotland allows light to penetrate quite a long way. This suits the seaweeds and great banks of kelp plunge down to depths of twenty metres and beyond. As we dropped down here a large Lion's Mane Jellyfish, Cyanea capillata, was drifting passed in the strong current. All its stinging tentacles spread out like a huge net to catch all types of plankton, including other jellyfish, on which it feeds.
Isle of Skye, Western Scotland