Photographer amongst soft corals at St. Abbs Head
In the northern North Sea, soft corals or dead man's fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) often dominate the steep rock surfaces below depths of 10m. Soft corals, which can be either white or yellow, are plankton feeders and prosper in areas of strong tidal flow, which provides an almost constant supply of nutrients. However, during darker, winter months when much of the plankton has gone, the soft coral colonies withdraw their polyps and shrink down into shapeless, drab lumps (often covered in algae) that give no hint of what will emerge in early Spring when light levels pick up and the plankton starts to return.
The Pinnacle, St. Abbs Marine Reserve, Scotland

Photographer amongst soft corals at St. Abbs Head
In the northern North Sea, soft corals or dead man's fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) often dominate the steep rock surfaces below depths of 10m. Soft corals, which can be either white or yellow, are plankton feeders and prosper in areas of strong tidal flow, which provides an almost constant supply of nutrients. However, during darker, winter months when much of the plankton has gone, the soft coral colonies withdraw their polyps and shrink down into shapeless, drab lumps (often covered in algae) that give no hint of what will emerge in early Spring when light levels pick up and the plankton starts to return.
The Pinnacle, St. Abbs Marine Reserve, Scotland

Photographer amongst soft corals at St. Abbs Head
In the northern North Sea, soft corals or dead man's fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) often dominate the steep rock surfaces below depths of 10m. Soft corals, which can be either white or yellow, are plankton feeders and prosper in areas of strong tidal flow, which provides an almost constant supply of nutrients. However, during darker, winter months when much of the plankton has gone, the soft coral colonies withdraw their polyps and shrink down into shapeless, drab lumps (often covered in algae) that give no hint of what will emerge in early Spring when light levels pick up and the plankton starts to return.
The Pinnacle, St. Abbs Marine Reserve, Scotland